To establish a long-term cooperation agreement with Nadu, SF, the new state logistics and other well-known brands, Yeshine products door-to-door installation service.
Shenzhen YeSing electronic technology co.,LTD
2/F,Building 5, TF creative design industrial park,Sha jing street,Bao an district,Shenzhen
Guangzhou YeSing Terminial Technology Co.,Ltd
20-24 Xinqu 2nd Bai Gang,Nan Cun Town,Panyu District,Gauangzhou
Wuhan Yestrend Digital Technology Co.,Ltd
2/F,Building 10,Chuangye Street,Optical Vally,East lake High-Tech Development Zone,Wuhan
[email protected]
Bill/18520803597 David/1379408264 Eric/18602723113